Thank you for agreeing to facilitate a workshop at Cancer Survivorship 2021. Your contribution and commitment to making our virtual event a success is greatly appreciated.


  • As a facilitator you will receive a calendar invitation for the workshop, which will contain the Zoom link.  We ask you to please join 15 minutes before delegates so we can check your audio/visuals and answer any remaining questions.

    • We recommend joining from a web browser if possible (rather than the Zoom desktop app,

  • Delegates will be watching the conference via a virtual platform called Pheedloop.  Workshop links will be in the relevant session descriptions on the virtual platform so delegates can easily join the workshop.

  • Registered delegates will also receive their Zoom link via email.

  • ASN Events will set up and host the Zoom meeting. We will create the required breakout rooms when setting up the meeting.

  • ASN Events will host and co-host the meeting, at least 2 staff members will be online and present for the duration of the workshop.

  • Once the workshop has commenced, ASN Events will assign delegates to their breakout rooms.

  • Delegates will not see the option to join a breakout room until the Zoom host (ASN Events staff) enables this option.

  • Delegates will have the ability to send chats, either to everyone or to specific people. Once breakout rooms start, delegate chats will only be visible to other delegates in the same room. If a delegate changes rooms, they will not see the chats that occurred in that room before they joined.

  • Hosts (ASN staff) can send a broadcast message which is visible to all participants whilst in breakout rooms. Facilitators can send ASN staff specific messages that they want shared as a broadcast. This feature is particularly helpful for providing a 5-minute time warning to participants.

  • If ASN are advised in advance how much time is allocated for breakout room discussions, a countdown timer for participants can also be set up.

  • The Zoom host (ASN staff) can close breakout rooms and force all delegates back to the main Zoom room at any stage if desired.

  • Please note, workshop discussions that take place in the main room (i.e. introduction and summary/conclusion) will be recorded. Discussions that take place in breakout rooms cannot be recorded.


  • We recommend the workshop facilitator wait 1 – 2 minutes before starting, to allow delegates time to join.

  • The recommended flow of the workshop is as follows:

    • whole group introduction and presentations (which will be recorded)

    • delegates split into breakout rooms (not recorded)

    • whole group summary/conclusion (recorded)

  • Once you are ready for participants to enter breakout rooms, please give a clear and obvious signal so the ASN staff know when to ‘open’ breakout rooms (e.g. ‘We will now split into breakout rooms for smaller discussions/activities’)

  • Delegates will immediately be moved to breakout rooms once the ASN host selects ‘Open All Rooms’

  • Each breakout room should contain a workshop facilitator who will be in charge of keeping participants to time and ensuring everyone has a chance to contribute.

  • It is also recommended that at least one facilitator remain in the main Zoom area to assist any late joiners and/or delegates that accidentally leave their breakout room.

  • Please advise delegates if they have any technical issues, they should use the chat function and send their message to an ASN staff member only (rather than sending the chat to everyone).

  • Delegates can be moved between rooms if you need them to be, please advise the ASN staff members via chat if this is the case.



To ensure the Zoom meeting and breakout rooms are set-up with your required functionality, please advise ASN Events of the following information by 4:00pm AEDT Tuesday 16th March:

  • The number of breakout rooms required and how you would like these rooms to be named (i.e. numbers, specific names, themes etc).

  • If pre-assigning registered delegates to specific breakout rooms, please provide a clear list of participants for each breakout room.

    • Please find attached the list of delegates that have registered for your workshop (which includes their name, gender, organization and position, and registration type to assist with your allocations). Delegate breakout pre-assignment can be added to this spreadsheet.

  • The planned schedule/running order for the workshop including:

    •    time allocation for introduction

    • time allocation for breakout room discussions/activities

    • time allocation for workshop summary/conclusion

    • List of facilitator names and emails, and which breakout room each facilitator will oversee

    • List of workshop speakers and whether or not they need to share their screen

    • Any other important information that ASN Events should be aware of

  • Details of any materials that workshop participants need access to before the workshop – we can circulate this for you