Brett Scholz is a Critical Health Psychologist from the School of Medicine and Psychology at The Australian National University. Brett’s research focuses on ways in which health and health services can be more equitable, led by consumers, and challenging social norms and power structures. Most of his 86 publications to date have been co-produced with and/or co-authored by consumer researchers, and his research program is concerned broadly with lived experience leadership in health policy, health services, health research, and health education. According to SciVal, since 2017 he has been the leading scholar (in terms of number of research outputs) in consumer leadership. Brett has served as a Board Member for the ACT Mental Health Consumer Network, and was co-founder and Chief Research Office for Spur Projects. He is an inaugural editorial board member for the International Mad Studies Journal, and serves on the editorial boards of the International Journal of Mental Health Nursing, Psychology of Men & Masculinities, and is an associate editor for BMC Health Services Research. He is current Secretary for the International Society of Critical Health Psychology. When he’s not thinking about all things consumer leadership, he can be found on the hunt for the best bánh cuốn, sipping a matcha latte, or singing karaoke.