Instructions for Accepted Poster Presenters
If your abstract has been accepted for an e-poster presentation, please follow these instructions for submission.
Given the virtual format of the meeting, all poster presentations must be submitted as an e-Poster.
e-Posters will be displayed as a pre-recorded presentation (up to 3 minutes) on the Cancer Survivorship 2021 virtual platform.
e-Posters will be available for delegates to view for the duration of the conference and for 12-months afterwards.
Please submit your e-Poster file by Friday 19 February (AEDT) via this Google Form link. If you do not have a Google Account, please send via to
Ensure your file is named with your full name and Abstract ID (which has been emailed to you)
The suggested name for your file is: {{FirstName}}{{LastName}}_{{abstractID}}_eposter.mp4
e-Posters must be submitted as a video file. You may provide supplementary information and/or supporting documentation in PDF form.
We strongly encourage using Zoom to record video of yourself presenting your poster/PowerPoint slides. If you do not wish to film yourself, you can simply narrate your poster/slides (your video file would therefore consist of visuals of your poster/slides and audio with your narration).
16:9 widescreen format (landscape) - How to check your set up is 16:9 - We encourage you to use the PPT template provided here
Required resolution is 1920x1080 pixels - How to set the resolution in PowerPoint
Maximum file size: 100MB
.mp4 file format
Maximum 3 minutes long. Please be aware e-Posters longer than 3 minutes will be returned to the presenter to be edited and re-submitted.
Please click here for instructions on how to pre-record your presentation using either PowerPoint or Zoom.
When recording you e-Poster, please ensure your poster/PowerPoint slides are displayed in full screen (i.e., do not record while the ‘presenter view’ is visible - which includes your notes and a thumbnail of the next slide).
Designing your e-Poster:
Keep in mind you will be presenting to a multidisciplinary audience so please pitch your presentation accordingly
Present your conclusion in a focal point, preferably in bullet points.
Avoid long sentences and try to convert large blocks of text into bullet points.
Use graphs and flow charts but avoid overly detailed tables.
Colours can be used to stress certain sections, but do not exaggerate.
We encourage you to use the PPT template provided here
There is no maximum slide limit for e-Posters, provided you do not exceed the 3-minute duration. As a guide we recommend allocating 30 seconds per slide (6 slides per 3 minutes).
Virtual Presentation Tips (applicable if recording video)
Delegates will be watching you on camera as well as any content you share. The audience will see what’s behind you and can hear anything that’s happening around you. Here are a few tips in preparing for your pre-recorded presentation:
Wear smart casual clothing (not sweatshirts, ‘hoodies’ or at-home lounge-wear unless appropriate to the Session)
Pull back or place any hair away from the face and remove hats or other obstructions so the audience can see you
Have a plain, blank wall, if possible
If a plain, blank wall isn’t available, make sure you are located somewhere where things like a bed, kitchen, bathroom etc. are not visible
Ensure there isn’t any movement happening behind you as people or animals walking around are a distraction
Be alone in the space, away from loud noises
Have your camera at face height if possible so the Delegates aren’t looking up your nose or down at your forehead
Check your microphone and speakers before recording.
On-demand Conference Content
Hybrid conferencing offers many benefits, including greater access and flexibility for delegates with work or personal commitments that may have otherwise missed your presentation. To ensure Cancer Survivorship 2021 delegates get the most out of the hybrid experience, e-Posters will be displayed for the duration of the conference and made available as on-demand content for 12 months after the event.
The conference materials will be password protected and only accessible to those with valid registrations.
This is a fantastic opportunity for your poster to reach a wider audience and gain more exposure.
If you do not want your e-Poster to be accessible after the conference conclusion, please indicate this during the presentation submission process. If you have not altered the conference secretariat by 19 February 2021 it will be assumed you consent to the ongoing display of your e-Poster for 12 months.
Registration and Participation
It is a condition of your acceptance that you are registered to attend the conference. If you are not yet registered to attend, please do so now.
Please note if you have not registered by Friday 26 February 2021, your presentation may be removed from the program.
If you have already registered, details of your participation can be found on your registration dashboard. To access your dashboard and check these details are correct please log back in as a returning delegate via the following link;