Instructions for Accepted Oral Presentations


  • Given the virtual format of the meeting, all oral presentations must be pre-recorded.

  • Oral presentations will be available for delegates to play back for 12-months afterwards, if consent is given.  



  • 16:9 widescreen format (landscape) – We recommend you use the PowerPoint template provided here

  • Required resolution is 1920x1080 pixels.

  • Maximum file size: 100MB

  • .mp4 (preferred) or MOV file format

  • Please click here for instructions on how to pre-record your presentation using either PowerPoint or Zoom.

  • When recording your oral presentation, please ensure your PowerPoint slides are displayed in full screen (i.e., do not record while the ‘presenter view’ is visible - which includes your notes and a thumbnail of the next slide).

  • Please be aware time limits will be strictly adhered. Pre-recorded presentations longer than your allocated duration will be returned to be re-done.


  • We will be using StreamYard as the video conferencing tool integrated with the Virtual Platform to facilitate your live Q&A.

  • You will receive a calendar invitation containing a URL closer to the date with further instructions.

  • In the meantime, we recommend you familiarise yourself with these instructions.  


 To pre-record your presentation you will require the following:

  • Computer (Mac or PC)

  • Google Chrome browser

  • Zoom Application

  • Headset with microphone or good quality computer speakers/mic

  • Mobile phone with headset (where computer audio is not satisfactory or as a backup)

  • High speed internet connection (capable of at least 2mbps up and down). Most internet connections support this.

Virtual Presentation Tips: 

Delegates will be watching you on camera as well as any content you share. The audience will see what’s behind you and can hear anything that’s happening around you, here are a few tips in preparing for your live or pre-recorded presentation: 

  • Wear smart casual clothing (not sweatshirts, ‘hoodies’ or at-home lounge-wear unless appropriate to the Session)

  • Pull back or place any hair away from the face and remove hats or other obstructions so the audience can see you

  • Have a plain, blank wall, if possible

  • If a plain, blank wall isn’t available, make sure you are located somewhere where things like a bed, kitchen, bathroom etc. are not visible

  • Ensure there isn’t any movement happening behind you as people or animals walking around are a distraction

  • Be alone in the space, away from loud noises

  • Have your camera at face height if possible so the Delegates aren’t looking up your nose or down at your forehead

  • Check your microphone and speakers before joining the call.


Speaking to the Audience 

Presenting at a virtual event can be a new experience for people, without an audience or interaction it can feel very different to presenting in-person. 

Some helpful hints for speaking to a virtual audience: 

  • Practise your presentation

  • Speak clearly and loudly

  • Keep a consistent steady pace

  • Look into the camera when possible rather than at the screen – the camera is the audience.

Sharing Content 

If you are wanting to share content with the audience, make sure you have a ‘clean’ computer workspace. Remember that whatever you share is seen by the Audience. 

Some things to remember/check for: 

  • Only share what you absolutely need to. For PowerPoint/Keynote, share your entire Desktop to ensure the audience can see your content

  • Make sure to “Share Computer Audio” if you have video clips or other multimedia content with audio the audience needs to hear

  • If you are sharing your entire desktop, hide any desktop icons or other open files

  • If sharing a web browser, share a NEW window without any extra tabs

  • Double check you don’t have any private or confidential information that could accidentally be shared, this includes images, content, applications etc. that may have sensitive materials.

Don’t share anything unless you absolutely want it to be public knowledge. Once the information is broadcast, everyone watching the live stream will have seen it! 

On-demand Conference Content  

  • Virtual conferencing offers many benefits, including greater access and flexibility for delegates with work or personal commitments that may have otherwise missed your presentation. To ensure Cancer Survivorship 2021 delegates get the most out of the virtual experience, presentations will be made available as on-demand content for 12 months after the event.

  • The conference materials will be password protected and only accessible to those with valid registrations.    

  • If you do not want your presentation to be accessible after the conference conclusion, please indicate this during the presentation submission process. If you have not altered the conference secretariat by 9 March 2021 it will be assumed you consent to the ongoing display of your presentation for 12 months.