1 - 3 February 2013 | Stamford Grand Adelaide, SA
The inaugural Flinders Centre for Innovation in Cancer Survivorship Conference was held at the Stamford Grand Adelaide, SA from 1 - 3 February 2013.
This Conference was unique in its scope to ensure the content is accessible to all who are interested in this important topic.
Attendees might have found themselves sitting next to a cancer clinician, a researcher, a policy advisor, a cancer survivor or a relative of someone touched by this disease.
This diversity attracted speakers and experts from around Australia and the world to share their insights into the most exciting developments in the field of cancer survivorship. In its comprehensive and inclusive scope, this conference was a truly one of a kind premier global event.
The Committee put together a wide array of topics ranging from research presentations to models of care delivery to policy consideration. The theme of the conference “Cancer Survivorship - Partnerships for the Future” highlighted the overarching aspect of survivorship care and research and its connection with patients and survivors.
The conference also highlighted the unique perspective that survivors and other consumers can bring to this field, as well as the importance of collaboration amongst those involved in care, research and policy seeking to deliver optimal outcomes.
The scientific programme featured guest lectures, plenary symposia, posters and selected oral presentations from delegate submissions and appealed to the varied interests of participants.
A trade exhibition was also held throughout the meeting by the many sponsors who supported this event – who we thank for their generosity.
Professor Bogda Koczwara AM,
Conference Convenor
+ 2013 ORGANISING COMMITTEES - typed example
Conference Convenor
Bogda Koczwara - Head of Medical Oncology, Flinders Medical Centre
Scientific Program Advisory Committee
Prof Jeff Dunn - CEO, Cancer Council Queensland
Prof Afaf Girgis - Executive Director, Translational Cancer Research Unit, University of NSW
Dr David Goldstein - Conjoint Clinical Professor, Medical Oncologist, Prince of Wales Hospital NSW
Assoc Prof Michael Jefford - Clinical Director, Australian Cancer Survivorship Centre, Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre (Peter Mac)
Prof Bogda Koczwara - Head of Medical Oncology, Flinders Medical Centre
Prof Ian Olver - CEO Cancer Council Australia
Organising Committee
Ms Deborah Heithersay - CEO, Flinders Medical Centre Foundation
Dr Rebecca Keough - Research Development Officer, Flinders Centre for Innovation in Cancer
Prof Bogda Koczwara - Head of Medical Oncology, Flinders Medical Centre
Prof Ross McKinnon - Director,Flinders Centre for Innovation in Cancer
Ms Maxine Pollard - FCIC Communication Manager, Flinders Centre for Innovation in Cancer
Consumer Advisory Group
Cancer Voices SA members: Julie Marker, Ashleigh Moore, Agnes Vitry, Con Nakos, Cathy Carter, Don Piro, Arthur Seager, Kevin Turner - Cancer Care Centre